The first time I went to Desaru was on the 5th of November 2011 with Nigel, Cindy, Tommy and Darren.
It was my first jigging trip and to top it off, the jigging method was extreme (not extreme jigging).
I only managed to get 1 fish (although it was the biggest that day and my biggest Queenie) when I started getting the hang of it towards the end of the jigging. We later went bottom fishing and I did manage to get a few other fish.
One of the guys even managed to get a wind knot on his line and had to reel in his line and still managed to hit a queenie. The fishing was that good.
Photos from period before this blog so faces are masked. Literally.
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Video courtesy of Nigel.
The second time I went to Desaru (22nd December 2011), I was more prepared but the weather threw a spanner in the works with extremely choppy water and high waves which delayed the fish biting for a few hours. I managed to get 3 fish on jigs in the span of an hour (including fighting, landing and resting time). After the 3 fish, I surrendered and had a short rest. Throughout this time, Nigel, Tommy, Darren and Jamie had landed countless fish. By the time I had recovered, the fish were gone again and the waves were dreadful.
We moved to bottom fishing again and managed to land a large number of table sized fish on sabiki and Jamie managed to land a cobia on fresh sotong before it even hit the bottom.
Photos courtesy of Nigel.
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Video courtesy of Nigel.
Jamie also killed a bird on the drive up to Desaru.
Desaru is only an hours drive away (excluding causeway time) and the fishing is so good. If I had a car, I’d be up there at least once a month.