Tag Archives: pb

15th January 2012 – Ops Kilo Tango

Shawn/ January 16, 2012/ Uncategorised/ 1 comments

Tom was finally free today so Nigel asked him along. For reasons I can no longer recall, our expected arrival time was 30 minutes later than the meeting time so Nigel gave Tom a call but he was already on his way. When we arrived at the spot, we saw him casting his lure out in the open. We were

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8th Jan 2012 – Ops Kilo Tango

Shawn/ January 13, 2012/ Uncategorised/ 0 comments

Today, Nigel and me were supposed to try Spot Cocoa but at 5am, when we texted and called each other, we were both too tired to go. The weather did not seem to inviting for fishing. In fact, it was extremely inviting for a good sleep. So after yesterday’s exhausting mission, I decided to be the one to bite the

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